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I'm a 6'2" male looking to add some spice to my life. Take charge. If u want to know more ask me and I will tell you. She is fine with pics and by being taken of her with you too.

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I am bisexual so I love women and looking to explore something different.

Looking for fuck buddies and to make vids, I am bi.

Very keen of open-minded people who want to enjoy our moments together through conversation, relaxation and physical intimacy.

"Hey there! My husband wants me to make him videos of me playing with well hung men, so he can watch while I pleasure him when he gets home....and I really want to be a good wife, so who wants to help me? Boise, Idaho swingers clubs. Who is kind and thoughtful but still knows what he wants and what he is looking for here and how to face the future.

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A 206 girl who Waynesboro, PA knows how to create beauty with her appearance really wants to create beauty in her personal life. Hey, Im a young guy that likes to just show what I'm working with 9'18 I want to meet up I would prefer to become friends first, and then let the fun begin.

Fit girls in Dundee. Prefer latinas, asian or white. I don't take life too seriously and I like the funnier side of shite Willing to give anything ago except pegging lol.

The longer it it.
Submissive BBC SLUT! Currently in Hot Springs til Saturday.!
Seeking a woman that is fun also a little freaky in the sheets. I am a older male and love foreplay.

Looking to tryout the "hotwife" thing.
Midle eaged women naked. Serious inquiries only! I'm a straight, easy going man who enjoys the company of a larger lady, fun times,few drinks, music. I like eating pussy and fucking duh.
Never taken women on dates, drinks and building connections. Deff into a woman that will take what she wants but will dominate if you get me going.

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British Guy with regular stop overs in USA Looking for no nonsense straight to the point no beating around the bush. Naughty freaky girl very adventures willing to try new things and share. Likes 'playing' online and in public and likes to share the more intimate elements in life.

Rich, husband, good on bed, caring, having a big house! I have not had any one night stands absolutely no threesomes so if I'm not enough for one guy then he's not for me so move on.

If there is anything else that you would want to know all you have to do anything I ask for ? New to this, Looking for anything, hookup, kinks, I love to just hold each other and cuddle but also love romance and passion. I have no intention of giving out personal information/meeting/moving house after 1 email and a wink - so get real - the best things in life are worth waiting for.... Find Missouri swingers!

FWB situations, and women of all types are welcomed.

People with great attitudes , real and Open Mined with no drama.

I'm single, looking for someone to hookup casually. I live alone and I'm a fine host.

Black endowed male dominant top love white submissive male bottom. Someone who is open to making new friends and seeing where it goes from there.

I look for respect and first impressions. I am submissive and Bisexual, but I like to be dominant too, we all have different talents and skills. I eat healthy, exercise and work out moderately to keep fit, I expect the same from my man!

Too many fakes or flakes on this site so know Im very real and expect you to be as well.