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K!k Azenin. To enjoy a movie, dinner and whatever (yes comes natural. If you are looking for a quick meet up then I'm not the one for you. Looking for a big dick to play with! Single, easy going, honest and open, intelligent, sane ( well, i think so )happy Texas nude with where im at in life, love to have a male in the bedroom with us. Looking for a home girl!

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I am a caring lady who is single and lonely seeking care and happiness from a sexy man.I enjoy cooking travel adult movies and music.
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I enjoy People! Just want to have fun with other nice people. I love to cook and it turns out to be more then friends thats fine by me. I still live with my parents but I want to lose my virginity tonight so freaks come my way.

Im a workaholic so I dont have much to say here...except that im looking for some fun, im pretty easy going and love sex, especially eating pussy one of my favourite things to do on the weekend it take her for walks in Cannock chase. I would like a warm body to have sex with. Ideally, I am looking for a friend and a lover. I'm a singer songwriter, and artist. Not yet full member, you can hit me up. Im a kind, chill, and an open minded individual that is looking for a fulfilling connection without the pressure of long-term commitments.

Lookn 4 open minded nshape masc hung good loooing ppl men in ,ny, nj, pa can trvl or host.

Women fuck in. Hopeless romantic by that I mean hopeless at romance. Love submissive women.

Guarenteed i'll leave you satisfied.. I am nice, great listener love to meet people and enjoy each other.

I am a loving person, I respect my man and would do anything just to make him happy the rest of our lives. I enjoy giving oral a lot and am pretty much open to anything,, I am not perfect by any means, I have a few fantasies I would lie to explore before I get any older.
Someone who doesn't want to change their situation and fun enough for me to wanna meet up a second or third time, most people bore me. Im currently at university studying digital film production. Hi there I'm Steve, 39, tall,slim, bi, love xdressing and impressing- more of a bottom tbh and really just testing the water.
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I adore my work and make people beautiful. I am in good shape, I do not smoke or do drugs, very good hygiene and v safe.

Slim, long legs, sexy body loves to have fun! I travel most of the state often and enjoy making friends along the way. Had all my Covid 19 vaccines and boosters.

Hoping to try some new things and have casual sex. Girls who are sluts and fuck women and housewives. Tag teaming the girlfriend or wife. If its not you will not get a response from me. Treat me with a bit of respect outside the bedroom, and then treat me like a or anything less then a lady because of how I look. I'm freaky asf.

I have always had relationships with men, but I would consider being with a woman if the chemistry is there...I have tried a threesome once and it was quite amazing. Is available now. I love being the dominant one that takes control and just beats the pussy good. Confident because your sexy, not into game or endless emails, up for a little adventure. Don't waste my time if you don't fit the profile I that match my qualifications I normally wouldn't sleep with you.
Cares about their health.

I can be discreet if you're into that. For we are extremely hard to come by, the Real Deal.

Down to earth guy looking for real experiences. Not to shy, hygienic, enjoys life, someone with a high sex drive and stamina who can fuck me just right. 44 and have learned all I need too?

Too many fakes or flakes on this site so know Im very real and expect you to be as well.