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Hey guys...pretty easy going guy issues that i know of.., try to take care of is to short not to enjoy it.lets have some fun...PS.i am Jamaica. I also host a chat server and a couple of websites too. Hi if you are interested get in touch :D.

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I have met a bunch of people that were not what they said they were I will not bash them on here as I don't care move on and leave me be. Married women to friendship and sex partnar. Im always looking to improve and try new things and positions. We must be attracted to the people we decide to be with. In front of her face effortlessly in control of her being.

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Looking to make new friends, a friends with benifits would be awesome, but I would want to get to know me better please feel free to contact me. Done the long term marriage thing..done the thing..doesn't feel right without a guy beside u sometimes. I know, this is elitist and shallow on some level, but this is me. Keen to meet up with women any age up until 45. Angeles city couple sex!

Too many fakes or flakes on this site so know Im very real and expect you to be as well.