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As far as sex goes..HAHA..I havent been w/anyone in OVR 20 years*CUZ I CAN DO BAD*...allby myself*If U chooze to meet me cum bareing gifts*,,SOMETHING! that my mind can eaze into u*.as opposed to staring w/thoughts of WTF!!*CANCER SERVIVOR*2BE**ITHINK ITS GONE but i hv yet to get my tastebuds back..everything TASTES LIKE SHIT!!AND ITS BEEN OVR A YEAR! Respectful man seeks female companion for friendship and fun.

I am looking for a couple to be friends with and maybe have a little fun with on the side.
Travel is limited but possible for the right daddy. Masturbating black freaks. Everyone has their reasons for bing here and hopefully our reasons match.
Would like to connect with someone or people for continous relationships.

Sound good so far? No game playing.

I am into a lot but most importantly please Virginia nude girls be cool.
I'm warm, affectionate, respectful and humorous.
(Been disappointing this year) - Big Star Wars fan, so would like to talk about the films.

Completely clean and except to stay that way. Bi women are sexy, I'm just not into men period.

Looking for chunky to BBW bi females and athletic to chunky bi males to play with me and or my ol' man. I can travel (within reason) but cannot accommodate. We would be open to full swap. I am seeking a mutually beneficial situationship with a gentleman of distinction and means who is interested in mentoring and assisting me while enjoying company and companionship on a casual level.

I'm not into young men or married men.
Find hot fucking lady. I'm a very relaxed/easygoing guy.

Someone who is honest, caring, thoughtful, lovable, loving, active, likes movies, goes on walks, hiking and is chill, etc. I enjoy giving pleasure as much or more that actually receiving. I'm a super nice and chill guy, who is looking for a special woman to cherish and a best friend to share this incredible journey with.,I am a professional and thoroughly love my work yet I do strive to have harmony in my life. Strong fuck women gallery.

Been here before a few times, just seeing if anythings changed.

And I have been to a lot Virginia nude girls of different places all around the world. Im easy going friendle looking for mature to have nsa sex together. I've grown comfortable in my skin as I approach the second half of my life, and am drawn to the like. Age 42. Someone who is discreet and OK with being with a married man. I am affectionate and honest.

Can send photos.

Looking to have fun in every way possible. Fun outgoing, friendly.

I'm looking for my right too, somebady with the same life style, open mind who likes to try new things. Our ideal male would have a big cock who is comfortable in her own skin and totally lets go of all inhibitions..No photos?

I am open to experiencing other peoples ideas and kinks so please, you don't have to be single and I don't have to be both. Please note that I try to only view and email those who are interested meeting men.

Like to spend time with friends and family. Old lady solo touch. Thinking about working to get to athletic body type.

I'm Ben.

We do not play together as we both have different tastes and wants. And real happiness for me will be a man who knows how to use his tool.
Just looking for fun not looking for any drama here I am married and not looking to change my situation or yours. It is more the kind of person/people they are. Been gone a while.

Too many fakes or flakes on this site so know Im very real and expect you to be as well.