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Miss goody 2 shoes where are you?
Looking for people who are serious about meeting and not looking to be a unicorn or in a mmf. Tall, slim professional male with a somewhat dry sense of humor (so I am told):) Solitary for a while and looking to get back out there. Like outdoor activities like camping, hunting and fishing. I am down for just about anything especially if there is a privacy settings that prevents standard users.

Feel free to shoot me a message or flirt and I'll message. I'm now financially secure, and just trying to find out things that I like and dislike. Happiest outdoors.
I prefer someone closer but will travel depending on where you're at.

I am caring, loving, sexy and nice, i am looking for friend and maybe more. Can talk regarding roles on the night and your fantasy!

That said, I would consider more if we click. I'm looking for women to have fun with no strings with another male and female who Are just friends.

I am looking for a sexy, intellegant people to enjoy and to reciprocate.

Not looking for anything specific, we're both people, so let's just communicate about what we need. Don't really have one. Yes, im a daddy of 3, current on support, very involved with my kiddos, and am proud of my integrity, but not a egomaniac in any way.

Lets the travel the world and have all the fun we both have been missing. I do not host as well sorry. Down to explore new things.

Don't let me forget how much I dislike needy ppl...cowboy the hell up. My loved nylon. Now empty nesters we are looking to check off some sexy adventure boxes with men and women with similar interests.

I'm an artist who works in many different mediums currently photography. Mature married couples swinger club.

If you can picture yourself there with me then let me know so we can put reading into action... Hoping to meet someone that will be submissive to me, someone that's willing to be in a discreet kinky relationship....when a sub is in my dungeon, it really doesn't matter what they do or who they are in the real world. My Husband and I have been in an open relationship for years now and are very comfortable with it. Like to hold hands?

In a open marriage yes my husband knows im on here in fact he is also on here.

7.5 inches long, 6 sexy Marvel inches around, long lasting, multi-orgasmic, switch. I'm looking for a cute girl for my man! 6 months single.

I have a great acquaintance with new people no matter the race and age Never afraid to get serious when there is a need for me to tell people on this platform who I am.

I'm respectful and sharp, with an inner 'kink' that I seek the 'right partner' to fulfill. I like to go on random spur of the moment road trips, I like most things and am a bit mad.. I am eager and sexy Marvel open to submitting to the right man. I've played with couples before and I loved every minute of it.

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I am 50 years old. I'm not going to lie about my skills and make myself out to be some sex god who inevitably can't replicate that one move he saw in a video 3 years ago, but I can promise to bring good conversation, enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn ;). Im currently in the military but thats all i can talk about now if you wanna know more then hit me up and i can tell you but i love adventure and a good adrenaline rush every now and then. Certified on SLS. Single, can host, fit clean in all ways. Mega big boob. Looking for friends nearby where I live or work to enjoy naughty times and maybe more.

First off no out of town singles and or couples. No strings attached, just fun, excitement, sharing moments, colors, tastes, aromas, elixirs, experiences with no obligations.

I'm just sexually curious.

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Respectful of boundaries and non-pushy. I'm up for casual, fuck buddy and/or FWB but I would also like to meet people who are fun to be around, but race is not a factor I am an equal opportunity pleasure seeker, so am open to all possibilities that this site may bring! K-I-K us on 2xnewbies.

Meeting will most likely happen at my semi truck. Looking to just meet some new people and enjoy it!! I love sexting and C2C and would love to meet someone who not only wants to have an amazing time with couple or singles. Someone who is honest, understanding and open minded.

I've always loved older men as they give me more of that sense of security and love new experiences they bring. Looking for a woman who whilst being someone who enjoys a good time both inside and out of the bedroom.

Too many fakes or flakes on this site so know Im very real and expect you to be as well.