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Tons of equipment. Beautiful, smart, fun, perhaps a little crazy hahaha. LOL THIS STUPID WEBSITE. A woman who is creative, considerate, thoughtful, caring, likes to Gainesville receive and will give emotional support..I basically don't give a damn about age, race, height, or size. A down to earth personally that like to explore please and have fun and who can take my energy and stamina in the bedroom.

My ideal person would be somebody who's down to watch Netflix or go take country cruises. Just out to have some fun really and meet new interesting ppls.

Down to earth guy, I have a big and friendly family, I value each moment that I spend Gainesville with my close people and friends. And a little hairy :P. Married couple looking to play w others.

Ask me anything and am ready to deliver. Don't have gold right now but hoping to be back to mingling with new people aside from the ones I'm currently seeing :).

I'm 6 foot 4 and new here! : ) More than a little stir crazy from this covid shit, amongst other things. How to insert vegina into penis sexy pictue?

I ask this because I've been inundated by the sheer volume of fake scam profiles and this stops them in their tracks.

Athletic to the point of stamina. Would be nice to actually meet someone for real! Im a Latino guy, nice personality, clean, gentle, good smelling, looking for good memorable moments, I'm not looking for something serious but fun!

But i'd ask that whoever i speak to they are honest about their intentions..

I'm the life of the party. I get my entire rush from your enjoyment. I am a low key, hard working man who enjoys his down time. I have traveled a lot and can carry on a conversation about a lot of different things. I am a attached father of one, 5' 8" tall, and about 170lbs.

B the same.

We chill AF and want to have some fun! Just looking for friends to have fun with a fwb. Contacte moi si tu as le gout de t'amuser.

So say hello. Hey guys, I'm a non-scene professional Gainesville gay male with a high sex-drive, seeking other openminded straight or bisexual guys for both friendship and fun. I'm currently still in studies almost in Uni.

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Someone that Gainesville takes care of themselves and thinks life is too short. Looking for any guys straight or divorced or engaged but prefer married guys to chat and probably a friend. Please do not respond if you are looking for a more deep-rooted relationship that would not be me. Back in a Cuckold situation and now looking for men serious ones who fit the bill. We both work 40hrs PLUS a week so it will have to be weekends only for now.
When i said NSA fun I ment NSA intimate encounters, I am not bacward in being & make no apologies for it, I hope that I haven't offended anybody Situations vacant :Guy seeks woman for no-strings sex.

I have a certain type of guy that loves romance, (which is funny considering as my username name infers), but I love a candle lit room, which adds a soft ambiance glow, with soft music playing in the back ground, scented candles giving a wafted fragrance through the air, and close by aromatic massage oil, a nice bottle of good wine, then and only then is the mood set for ------! In the bedroom, I like to mix it up. 5'8 170lbs clean cut ddf std and hiv free. Laid back, sweet, funny, beautiful, intelligent, sarcastic.

We are a couple looking for a male or female to play with on occasion. Please hate me in private...TY Just looking to see what is out there for me. Hot single lebos cunt eating fun. Open, honest, kind, sexy, adventurous, preferably sane.
Living on my boat for the summer.

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Too many fakes or flakes on this site so know Im very real and expect you to be as well.